Mobile Ice-cream and Food Vending Vans
Two of these mobile ice-cream and food vending vans were designed, engineered, prototyped and
manufactured by us; they had an all stainless steel interiors, electric chimneys, self contained dedicated
electric generation systems, milkshake machines, microwaves and sandwich grills. The exterior of the
vehicle was covered by back lit graphics display panels, making it very attractive at night.
The ice cream and food vending van was built on monocoque Tempo traveller make van.
Structural members were cut and reinforcements were provided to compensate accordingly.
Refrigeration systems of the machines were re organised to accommodate the heat expelling mechanisms.
Placement of all the gadgets, machines and genset were carefully done to create maximum space for the
operators inside.
The interior was completely designed in Stainless steel to facilitate cleaniness.
Backlit displays were added to attract and advertise various schemes